Ali Shokri — A Nature Photographer Whose Art Motivates

3 min readDec 10, 2020


Photography is the subtle art of creating blueprints of reality. It is always broad in meaning and rich in significance. A photographer comes up with the definition of their art and thus makes their photos not only the bearers of aesthetical value but also the source of information, a message to be transmitted to the viewers. Today, we want to introduce to you Ali Shokri, a landscape and nature photographer who shapes the viewer’s mind and inspires them to do good.

Ali Shokri — a landscape and nature photographer from Iran

Ali Shokri (b. 1982, Iran) is a passionate photographer who started his professional career in 2004. In his works, the Iranian artist tries to highlight the beauty and richness of nature overall, but his main focus has always been on trees that he emphatically compares to human beings. Dedication to nature and its preservation are what inspire Ali Shokri to keep pursuing his noble purpose — to draw people’s attention to the current grueling environmental issues and motivate them to change their attitude to trees and nature in general.

The poignant message in Ali Shokri’s art

Ali Shokri advertises his ideas through his captivating art in a variety of ways. The nature photographer has already spent 16 years working on his art project “The Tree.” In 2017, he was a speaker at the TED Talk, enlightening people about the life of trees and their importance for the outside environment. Besides, he published a book called “The Passion of Trees,” which you might want to read.

Still, his main craft is photography, through which Ali Shokri cries about the vitality of nature and trees in particular. Trees are the lungs of the earth, but people, little by little, start to forget about it.

The art of Ali Shokri is a reminder of the importance of trees to all of us. His photographs have been displayed at a variety of group and solo exhibitions in Iran, France, Italy, Canada, the USA, and other countries. At 300Magazine, we do recommend that you get acquainted with the work of this talented Iranian nature photographer whose art motivates and inspires people to act!

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